Computer engineering, as the name suggests, is related to the engineering of your system hardware. It includes the designing of computer hardware and devices. It is derived from the science of computing such that it is the practical application of the computing science principles.It also includes some principles of electrical engineering. In short this engineering is based on the laws of computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics and physics.
The main subjects dealt in this engineering includes display engineering, multimedia computations, image and speech processing, networking, pattern recognition, computer perception and sensors, VLSI systems, robotics, computer architecture etc.
Display engineering deals with the display mechanisms of a system. Multimedia computing include the handling of all kinds of data like the textual data, sounds, voice or audio, still images, animated images, video and more. It involves encryption, coding and decoding etc. Image and speech processing methods are used to deal with the processing of multimedia in a secure way. Networking of computers is a vast field that takes care of all the networking operations such as assembling network units, establishing connections, configuring them, initiating communication and data transfer and so on. It also handles designing and implementation of vast distributed computing networks that includes LAN, MAN and WAN. Pattern recognition and computer sensors are used for information security. Robotics is a practical application of artificial intelligence. Very Large Scale Integrated systems are a study to design microelectronic devices. Architectures from these take care of the designing of hardware and software for optimal results.
Continuing with our computer engineering vs computer science, we are now going to move on to the science, which on the other hand is the study of methods, principles and laws for handling of information. It also lays the theories for designing and implementing them. The science subject leads to the subject of engineering.
The main subjects that come under computer science are artificial intelligence, computer architecture, software systems, numerical methods, algorithms, theory of computations, computer graphics, networking protocols, databases, operating systems, simulation and modeling, parallel computations and software engineering.
Artificial intelligence is an area that is concerned with the intelligent behavior in machines or software. Computer architecture explains the science behind the designing and construction of computer hardware and software for effective and efficient working. Software systems deal with programming languages, programming environments, operating systems, interpreters, compilers etc. Algorithms and theory of computations are used to develop programs that produce effective, efficient and optimal results and solve the computer problems. To conclude, we can say that the computer science is a subject that is mostly studied by scientists while on the other hand, computer engineering is a subject that is studied by the engineers.
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