“The Significance of Teachers Duties to any Government on Education”
Teacher’s duties on Education are of very, very strategic importance to the government of any country. Teachers inculcates moral values/virtues and disciplines, molds the characters-behaviors, inspires and impact skills and knowledge and develops individual in a country (mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and even spiritually) in line with the fundamental objectives, beliefs, customs, philosophies, policies, principles and the laws of the government of any country. This brings about efficient governance, effective participation of the people in the governance; reduction in illiteracy, moral decadence, corruption, crime and disorderliness.
Teachers are faced with the greatest responsibilities of sustaining the society and her objectives, beliefs, customs, good morals, philosophies, policies, principles and laws. For teachers to achieve these there is the need for them to intelligently and carefully educate those they are teaching to conform to the societal norms.
For teachers to teach effectively; they have to adhered to the following guiding principles and rules in teaching
(1) intelligent, careful and adequate preparation for lessons. This implies knowing very, very well about the topic to be thought, which will be logically developed and been ready to teach all they know about the topic not been economical and egocentric with teachings.
(2) Setting learning goals for the learners to achieve over a certain period of time with view on accomplishing the objectives, beliefs, customs, philosophies, policies, principles and laws of the society/government
(3) Checking the progress or success of the learners
(4) guiding the learners on the process and how to learn effectively. Instructing them collectively and individually on how best to accomplish the objectives and norms of the society
(5) most importantly, setting good example, been good advocate of the societal and governmental objectives and norms, so that the learners will imitate from the teachers who are supposedly practitioners. But contrary wise some teachers are very bad and evil. Definitely the learners will learn those evils from such teachers, this corrupts the good thing they had been trying to teach those learners.
One of the factors holding back development in the developing countries, like Nigeria is the poor states of their education, in Nigeria the standard of education is very poor: going by the poor academic performances of its students compared with they counter parts from other countries, which is one of the reasons why most Nigeria great men and women are not educated in their country or partially did so. Most graduates from Nigeria universities are equivalent to secondary school leavers in other countries; a recent statistical data released showed that 72% of graduates from Nigeria universities are not employable how then can such countries develop.
Nigeria learners had been made to reduce education to a mire sheet of certificate of graduation: memorizing facts, theories and laws about any discipline is not enough but learning and knowing the structures of any discipline should be cultivated which is the value and not certificate of theories, laws and facts for “experience is the ultimate determinant of knowledge”, the poor standard of education in Nigeria could be attributed to improper managements or that the educational objectives and norms, the curriculum etc are not perfect. But some methods, books, schemes of teaching in use in Nigeria are out dated imports from other countries.
The quality and the standards of teachers determines the quality and standards of education as well. The poor academic performances of the Nigeria learners shows that they are of poor quality and standard, most the best teachers in the country are the educational products of countries like Ghana, UK, US, India, etc. “many teachers that are the product of Nigeria educational are weak and egocentric and their product are fake, corrupt and expired graduates”. Teachers are rated by the academic performances of their students in view to accomplishing the general objectives and norms of the society and government.
To save the poor quality and standard of education in Nigeria, the educational objectives and norms should include the followings
(1) Acquiring of knowledge (the re-cognition, expression and recalling of specific information, laws, theories, facts, concepts and generalizations)
(2) Acquisition of intellectual skills, abilities and disciplines -(the involvement of the five ways of manipulating knowledge which are comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation)
(3) developing the individuals as a whole being
(4) education for citizens
(5) vocational training
(6) civil rights and duties
(7) character & moral value education. The primary school education, the most fundamental and compulsory,
(The least qualification for political offices in Nigeria): should include general education or liberal education as it’s called in the U.S.A liberal education constitutes the following
(1) teaching the learners to investigate all sides of problems before reaching a plan of action and conclusion
(2) moral values not money value or certificate values
(3) civic rights and duties
(4) reading and writing
(5) arithmetic
(6) ethical and intelligently judging ideas, events and concepts. The curriculum should reflect the learner’s needs: personal, emotional, physical, intelligent, spiritual and social needs.
These can save the poor quality and standard of education in the country. But the government has to recognize the significance of teachers and give them the necessary supports, recognition, motivation and empowerment. If the Nigeria governments empower teachers like the law enforcement agencies and give them the logistics, motivations and supports: moral decadence, crime, corruption, etc. will be overcome to the barest minimum instead of fighting crimes, corruptions, moral decadence, disorderliness, etc at their matured stage. The culprits are those who are not taught to conform to the objectives, beliefs, philosophies, customs, principles, policies and laws of the society. Teachers are the only people apart from parents and guidance that are fight same issues from their infant stages grassroots by they influences and teaching to people. So teachers should be given whatever they requests from the government, which will help them to efficiently, carry-out their duties.
But this could not be the reason for the recent teachers strike in Nigeria, teachers are clamoring for salary structure in all the Nigeria states. That can’t be possible. salary should be paid to the teachers in pari pasu with they work done not with certificates but with their work done. the equation should be balanced with their work done on the poor, intellectually undeveloped and unemployable students of Nigeria. “All fingers can’t be equal, monkey can’t be doing the working and baboon the eating” No, the law of nothing goes for nothing should be applied; since the work done are not equal the salary also can’t be the same.
The government should hire its teachers on contract basis with the agreement to raise the standard of its learners to a certain level over a certain periods of time. At the end of such period government should demand accountability, and the performance of learners tested by the government, to know if the contractors/teachers meet with contract agreements.
They are fully paid or retained only if the meet with agreements. Thus, Nigerian educational qualities and standards will be like that of U.S.A that has experimented it.
I love you,
Jp Udoba.
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